Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gamer Logic

Man, the game industry is lagging behind. Yeah it's entering the tween stage, more about that later, but it just seems that everyone else does the gamer logic better than the games industry.

The TV industry certainly does the gaming logic better. Take Chuck for example, that show is oozing with more gaming logic than most games I've played.

The beginning scene opens with a parquer scene that seems like something out of Mirror's Edge, which was well played out. It even gave you something to think about in games, why CAN'T you jump through the little window at the top of the door.

There is also the premise that average Joe comes across a super power/secret/weapon/realisation that comes across to save himself/everyone he loves/the country/the world, and is unwillingly put into the action packed lol-athon before he comes into grips with his power/secret/weapon/realisation.

I found the situations that Chuck is put into is very gamer-like, with the variety of missions like something straight out of a big brawler/stealth/romance/comedy/average Joe cum superhero game.

It was also very clever that they also added the obsessive compulsive/ADD/aspergers gamer via Chuck's "best friend" Larry.

But in my opinion they struck the balance right. It is accessible to newcomers since it doesn't intimidate them with big gamer-only insider jokes, but their still there. Chuck learns from all his experiences, he progresses his skills towards endgame, a story unfolds in the progressive manner that games tend to.

It's all about the balance, games should stop trying to be so conservative and try different things, more about that tomorrow.

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