Thursday, July 23, 2009

Woo Hoo!

What is this about? You must really have something interesting to talk about! 'cause that's one kick-ass image. While I agree that Tekken 6 is awsome due to the fact that Alisa is tied for best character with King, but now for the fact that I have finally beaten the damn game at the arcade.
With a hangover, after the Wolfenstein Beta party.

Alright enough clowning around, Wolfenstein was great, even thought the only audio was loud and annoying duff duff music. There is a reason why I don't like radio music, and even techno can't save Lady Gaga's Paparazzi.

Like all AAA games, it looks as pretty as hell, but I still have problems with visual gameplay elements. Oh man, those nazis have everything, a tesla gun and ectoplasm gun.

The waypoint bar works fine, but the little damage circle that indicates from what direction your taking damage from didn't work. It couldn't tell me where I was taking damage from until I was getting shot at from ALL sides. AND SCREW THE BLUE INVISIBLE WALLS!! What possible need do Nazi's have for invisble blue walls?

I mean, they have invisible nazi techno mage doctors, nazi invisible death-ninjas, nazi dog-like freaks, millions of nazi disposable mooks and nazi paranormal creatures, so why the hell do they need blue invisible walls?

They have this cool powers, but how was I supposed to tell that the power is meant to go through those bloody blue invisible walls.

Otherwise good game, looking forward to the gold version to see if they actually fixed all those stupid little things.

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