Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Walk like a man

Ever notice that everyone walks the in a different way? Why, yes? What about in video games? Can’t recall? How about if I make it easier for you? N-O, there is hardly any notable difference in the way that characters in video games walk or run.

Everyone in video games is a textbook example on how to run/walk. The only notable difference in a character’s gait is when they have a limp the size of a stadium, or said character is a femme fatale walking in an overly sexed manner during a pre-render scene.

This I believe contributes to the dilemma of game immersion.

If people truly believe that video games and the movie industry is merging into the same, then they should use some of the processing power going to the next pretty gun-slap-explosion-blood splatter into creating more believable characters.

Heavy Rain has the right idea, with being able to motion capture eye-movement and all that jazz, but if they are able to change the gait of all the characters during the game play, then they have truly achieved something in my account.

Keep this in mind next time you play your video game.

Many thanks to Becky for pointing this out for me.

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